
January 19, 2013

DC No. 89: Crown

This week I was on an art-making tear and painted between classes and when I got home from teaching. Thankfully, sometimes it just flows. Stephanie's  theme for this week's Drawing Challenge, Crown, also motivated me to make several versions before choosing this one to share:

"Crown: thorns meet metal," acrylic with silver pen on paper

The crown shape is like an ellipse, a circle, with thorns or jewels. Both are symbolic and pairing them together made sense for content and color contrast.  I believe people should try on and live in different crowns from time-to-time... like walking in another person's shoes.

I am looking forward to seeing what the other DC artists created this week.
Thank you, Stephanie, for hosting, too.


tanïa said...

Love the colours and the diversity of your crowns. And I totally like the idea of changing perspectives. That would surely lead to a better understanding...

roberto M. said...

This is a great job!
With very vibrant colors!
There is a crown of thorns, too?

Kristen Donegan said...

I thought a lot about the jewels and thorns motif for this week as well- it's a very interesting dichotomy- crown of power/crown of martyrdom...

Your crowns are very lively! and remind me of the forest and berries- nature crown :)

renilde said...

the burden and delights of wearing a crown, red and green, i like your representation of it, the thought behind it very true, it would make a difference, x

Patrice A. said...

I like your idea of:
try on and live in different crowns from time-to-time... like walking in another person's shoes

but to me a crown has jewels!

Patrice A.

Carole Reid said...

Crowns of many colours, styles, and sizes! I like your idea of wearing someone else's crown to experience what their life is like.

Unknown said...

Your concept, like this painting, is powerful, Emily.
I thought about the Crown of Thorns as well, what with Lent coming up right around the corner.
I really like this painting and would love to see it for real - bet you have some great textures going on. -sus

Stefanie Seltner said...

me too, I like it: different crowns from time to time...
your painting is great, the colors and the contrast, so lively.
thanks for playing,
x Stefanie

mano said...

I love your colourful paintings! so much power in it! :)) mano