
October 27, 2018

What's Next?

When I put Trail Pixie Studios, (shop, blog, and Facebook page) on vacation,  a lot was happening in my life that required me to step away from the studio. During this period I began to enjoy the hiatus from selling on Etsy. 

As much as I enjoy sewing, putting the breaks on filling custom gaiter orders allowed more space discover and hone new loves like ceramics. SOOO, when (if ? ) I reopen Trail Pixie Studios Etsy shop, it will probably be filled with ceramics. 

To simplify, I blended two blogs together—Trail Pixie Studios and Trail Pixie Trespas. I post here infrequently but you can find more current creative adventures on IG, my website, and FB artist page. 

Some stoneware pieces I threw on the wheel: 


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